CPR Instructor Training | How to become a CPR Instructor

Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR, AED & First Aid Instructor Course

We are certified to train instructors for: The American Red Cross The American Heart Association American Safety and Health Institute Medic First Aid

Being a CPR instructor is an important and fulfilling job. You'll be able to make a difference in the lives of others by teaching them how best save their own! This training program will prepare candidates for certification as instructors through American Heart Association courses, at your local Red Cross chapter office or online course provider (ITU).  You can choose between Regular Course geared towards individuals without any healthcare background; Complete Hearts Provider which includes taking both parts 1 & 2 together including demonstrations on mannequin use so students know what they need during real life emergencies; Healthcare Provider Kit Plus.

Learn the skills to teach others

In this course, you'll learn the skills needed to teach others. These include how best convey knowledge in a way that's both interesting and engaging so it sticks with people for life!


We are certified to train CPR Instructors

We are certified to train instructors for The American Red Cross, The American Heart Association, American Safety and Health Institute Medic First Aid.

Contact us for Group Onsite & Training Inquires

Get in touch for Training schedules or Onsite group trainings

Our office hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday. We will follow up to your inquiry as soon as possible!

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(720) 524-6447
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Front Range CPR

Emergency Training Company
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Becoming a certified CPR Instructor

In order to become a certified CPR instructor, one must pass an exam. In the future if there is ever a pandemic or disaster and you need medical help quickly but can't find any professionals present then this certification will come in handy because not only do they know how important it is for people with no first aid training like me (CPR)to learn these life saving techniques; It also shows other survivors that we're able teach them too! The process starts by taking two full days of courses on everything related - The mechanics behind breathing- Heading down what steps are involved during Cardiac Arrests.

Locations you can teach others the skills of CPR, AED, First Aid, and BLS

You can acquire lifesaving skills anywhere you are. Whether it's in your home or office, there are many opportunities to teach others how they too, could help save lives by providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillator training sessions with AEDs for when sudden cardiac arrests occur onsite at the workplace/school facility etc... BLS also provides what is called First Aid which includes being able identify signs of injury and bleeding as well giving advice about treatment options available before taking someone else into assessment mode where professional medical assistance would typically need.

Is being a CPR instructor worth it?

Being an instructor for the American Red Cross CPR course is a great way to give back and help others in need. Students who complete this class are able take what they've learned into other parts of their lives, helping them through tough times or just giving someone else hope when it's needed most!

Certification and Renewal for CPR, First Aid, AED, and BLS Classes

Renewing your CPR, First Aid, AED certification requires that you take one of two courses. You can either sign up for an online blended course which will teach the material and give access to participate in hands-on training, or find a local class if there is interest among potential participants on where they should go next with their career aspirations related CPR/AED skills.

Become an instructor for CPR Training through the following Training Partners

Become an instructor for CPR Training through the following Training Partners. Instructors are vital to ensuring that skills learned in training are applied correctly, so they need strong communication and interpersonal relationships with their students as well as knowledge of healthcare practices like first aid or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that provides relief to victims of disasters, such as floods and fires. They also provide emergency response teams in case other emergencies arise such as hurricanes or earthquakes.

The mission statement for the American red cross states: "to protect life and property from anyplace."  The national headquarters are based out New York City where they have branches all over the country including Los Angeles California . It was founded on April 28/1910 by Clara Barton who at time volunteered after seeing soldiers die during Washington D C s turbulent electrical storm which knocked down trees onto tents killing dozens more

The American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is a leading nonprofit organization that has been working to promote health and prevent disease since 1954.

For more than 50 years they've helped millions of people reach milestones like living without disability, losing weight or experiencing an unexpected TIPS (transient Ischemic Prizes) event with their Go Red for Women program by educating on heart healthy lifestyle choices such as eating right & exercising!

American Safety and Health Institute

ASHI is the leading nonprofit organization for safety professionals. ASHI provides expert advice on how to prevent accidents, ensure employee well-being and provide a safe work environment free of hazards in all job sites big or small through its education service line which includes developing courses focused specifically towards various industries as well offering consultation services by experts who are qualified not only with OSHA standards but also common sense tips that can be applied anywhere no matter what type of business you run!

Medic First Aid

Medic First Aid is the ultimate First Aid kit for any professional. It includes essential items like waterproof matches, trauma dressings with pressure relief valve needles to treat open wounds quickly on site without delay (think traffic accident), burn cream that will stop pain immediately but not before it gets serious enough as well as other essentials such as nerve blocks and CPR masks-all designed specifically by our team of experts in this field!